
CSR & NGO Management Industry Exposure

CSR & NGO Management Industry Exposure

Industry Exposure in CSR & NGO Management fixes the growing stigma surrounding graduates that claims they don’t know what they want post-graduation.

Instead, they take the initiative before their final semester to create an assured vision of what they want. This turns out to be extremely beneficial to both themselves and their employer. In the hope of imparting complete practical knowledge among their students, the Virtual Voyage College of Innovation offers alternative kind of work integrated educating experience in various CSR firms & NGOs. The institute also invites experts from the government, CSR specialists, NGO heads and various social activists to share their valuable experience with students.

Virtual Voyage as an organization understands an employer’s perspective where training an employee comes at the costs time and money. It’s only fair for any organization to be inclined towards prior industry experience in the field therefore; the institute also provides internship guidance and placements during the course of studying.


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